30 OCTOBER 2007 tUES 11.33Pm
Total work days for OCT : 22 Days
OFF tomorrow
Song: 99 fen de xing fu
29 October 2007 Monday 11.17Pm Morning shift after work have dinner with Dearie and his mum we went wisma to had dinner DING TAI FENG so nice they are all of shanghai food especially Xiao Long Bao. soon we walk around cold storage boy say he wanted to buy things but in the end walk pass ROYCE and
He Bought theMilk Chocolate CHAMPAGNE PIERRE MIGNON 
i really MISS their chocolates .is since a LONG TIME he bought for me.Tomorrow MID FULL and then Finally 31th OCT is OFF DAY ...*Days are unpreditable...
I just want to cherish days and time together
no matter what happen i would not care.
as long as i know i love HIM DEEPLY...
28 October 11.23Pm
Its kelly off day again but she went to a place with elephant again :)
is it a fun fair ?
with many elephants hanging up ?
morning shift
27 October 2007 SundaY 1.02AM
Receive this MMS this afternoon from kelly.
Its Kelly OFF day BUT kelly suddenly loves taking picture of elephant : D
Picture sent from her 
Updated Pic
The Unique Eyebrow
Retro 70s By kelly NIGHT Shift tomorrow tired
Sat 27 October 2007 12.20am Just came from from Angel birthday chalet.
When i was online i finally see
Cherie baby gal picture
So cute
Finally dearest is off but
i am MID FULL shift .
25 OCTOBER 2007 Friday 12.59am
This morning kelly done the retro make up in the 70s
will upload the picture
the unique eye brows and e blusher
hahaha : D
stocks come ANTIQUITEASE was lauch in counter.
love e minerals eye shadow which is oven baked and this time comes in two colours per pot.
* Song : Shining Friends
Wednesday 24 October 2004 12.36am
Today i am on Night Shift.
Xiao Cherie is OUT yesterday midnight : ) i want to see : D L.O.V.E i will be used when i am sleeping he has to be awake when he sleep is i don want sleep *its a hard time for him a tiring one when i know is not used to the life he had. I will treasure cherish now and then.as DAYS will be harder to meet :)
tml waking up early meeting kelly 10am
being kelly model
on the 70s retro make up ...
Tuesday 23 October 9.30AM
MID Shift
Yesterday ate e last piece of CREAM PUFF.
i am missing CHEESECAKE now
its been a long time since i ate .
Sunday 21 October 1.15AM
On night shift todayFinally dearie has bought his clothings and footwear for his work. Dearie has to wake up at 5AM to prepare his first day of working which is later on which is on my off day toohe will be working 12 Hours Shift Per dayand six working days either from 7AM to 7Pm or 7Pm to 7am tomorrow will be his first MORNING SHIFT :)
1.30amtime to sleep and give him a morning call at 5AM*Song played : Ming Tian Guo Huo
SAT 20 OCTOBER 2007 9.06am
Today MID FULL sHift
home from supper
had porridge at chinatown
realised that he is my boy is selected for the job application
starting work on MONDAY
it should be a : ) thing but a thought that days might be different day and time we spend might be different no longer the same better old lifesno happy in other way but his dream come TRUE
- A good start of everything
* Days spend together will be lesser.
* Treasuring each other is e BEST things in life.
NIGHT shift on a sun
music is upload : If we hold on together
19 October 2007 10.55Amits a long day yesterday it seem many many things and stuffs to do after two days of MC.
MORNING i went for a haircut follow by Treatment if it is not done hair will be harder to mantain. I went meeting l.o.v.e for his interview . it will be a successful.
after in EVENING we meet up together wif his mum and sister's famiy for dinner.
We went Lemongrass Restaurant at Hereen . The food was pretty nice . But due to my sickness i ate lesser of e spicy food.
After our dinner, dearie accompany me to go shopping at Far East it has seems a long long time since we went there together. it has been 2 months plus
Soon its about ten plus, we are getting thirsty so we went to cineleisure, to

Their menu has change : )
both of us Share a Macau Coffee
And Ham And Egg Sandwishes
And HEADED to K BOX once again twice in a week
to meet up together with his friends
promotion ends yesterday of $10 per person
from 10pm to 1am.
Yesterday *HE* ask me why i am so happy
i told him it seem to be a long long time we went out together : )
Being able to keep each other accompany will be happy enough .
Finally everything is done but expect for e muisc
cousin jy is trying to help mi figure out how to put the music into the blog : )